Arriving at
・High Attacks
・Difference between Guarding and No Guarding
・What the Rest of High Attacks
1. High
2. Mid
3. Low
Table 6−1
6・1 High Attacks
Figure 6−1
Figure 6−2
6・2 Difference between Guarding and No Guarding
Figure 6−3
Figure 6−4
6・3 What the Rest of High Attacks
Figure 6−5
Figure 6−6
・High Attacks
・Difference between Guarding and No Guarding
・What the Rest of High Attacks
This chapter follows the style of 'VFDC Wiki',[1] with some revisions which shall add some important principles. ‘Attack Levels’ was introduced even in Virtua Fighter 1 (since 1993) and established during Virtua Fighter 4 (since 2001). An attack's level determines where it hits. In the Virtua Fighter system, there are three main attack levels:
1. High
2. Mid
3. Low
Strictly speaking, the Attack Level determines if the attack can be guarded while standing or crouching states (conditions),[2] not collision detections[3,4] (Table 6−1). The state of opponent determines mainly opponent's condition following hit of your attack (sections 6・4[5] and 6・8[6]). The detection of opponent judges whether your attack will be successful or declined (section 6・3. See below). At first you might think the difference between states and detections very difficult. Each section (chapter 6−1_4) will strengthen your understanding as you progress.
Table 6−1
There are also special variants of each attack level with their different properties discussed in chapter 6−4.[7] In addition to the above three attack levels, there is also the Down (or Ground) attack level. All characters have Down Attacks (typically 8P, 3P or 3K) which can only be used when the opponent is in a downed state (Strategy 9).[8]
6・1 High Attacks
High Attacks will hit characters at standing detection when they aren't guarding. High Attacks can be guarded while standing. In contrast, High Attacks will whiff characters at crouching detection and leave the attacker vulnerable (chapter 22.[9,10] See also section 6・2). Also note that you would obtain the opportunity of combos if High Attacks hit characters at ground-air state (chapter 6−3, section 6・8[6]). The most basic high attack is the standing punch P (Figure 6−1).
Figure 6−1
In the Virtua Fighter system, you can change your state from standing to crouching over in just 1 frame if you are faced with opponent's Attack (cf. chapter 11−1[11]). Ohzeki reported that the animation display of the changing states has been dramatically revised since Final Showdown (Figure 6−1).[12] At present, in similar fashion, the animation display of the changing takes only 1 frame (guarding or not). This revision made it possible to recognize the opportunity of Recovery Counter Hits easily.[10]
Figure 6−2
6・2 Difference between Guarding and No Guarding
This section considers in more depth the point that emerged from the discussions of High Attacks. We introduced an important rule in the section 6・1: High Attacks will whiff characters at crouching detection. In general, the same is true of crouching state but there are exceptions to this rule.
A dramatic example occurs in the last phase of Wall Hit.[13] After Wall Hit, the player is forced to choose standing or crouching guard during 12 frames (from 22 to 33 frames) after stunned phase (from 1 to 21 frames).[14] While this 12 frames, High Attacks will hit characters who are crouching and not guarding (Figure 6−3).
Figure 6−3
In contrast, you will see a strange phenomenon if you choose crouching guard in this situation. You already know that Attacks will change your state from standing to crouching over in just 1 frame (section 6・1). In such a situation at the time, internal processing for imaginary crouching state is exceptional and noteworthy: you can evade the High Attack by crouching guard but use your attack at standing state immediately (Figure 6−4). In a practical manner, Player 1 could perform Double Upper 3PP[15] as a choice of Guaranteed Attack.[10] Note that Double Upper 3PP wasn’t translated to Vertical Upper Slash 2_3PP.
Figure 6−4
Similar results will be obtained under conditions of In Place Recovery.[16] You are referred to later chapters for a much more detailed analysis of these situations.[13,16] Since this section provided highly advanced contents, don’t be concerned whether you might feel those are difficult to practice. There would be other skills that you should acquire now.
6・3 What the Rest of High Attacks
You might be somewhat surprised to see some selected High Attacks bearing standing state (Blaze’s High-Speed Jab 46P, Akira’s Chouyoushu 1P, etc.) whiff High Attacks. High-Speed Jab enters crouching detection on its first execution frame,[17] so the attack avoids the 12 frames punch even at 11 frames disadvantage[18] (Figure 6−5).
Figure 6−5
In contrast, Akira’s Chouyoushu enters crouching detection on its 4th execution frame, so it should be used for an avoidance of 12 frames punch at up to 8 frames disadvantage (Figure 6−6).
Figure 6−6
Such situations to be related to Collision Detection, CD, are the substance of chapter 8.[4] The practical utilities[19] and additional notes[20] of these attacks will be described later. Our message is that:
[1] VFDC, Wiki, Attacks: ttp://
[2] D.K.のVF5通信, 第107回: ttp://
[3] D.K.のVF5通信, 第96回: ttp://
[4] Collision Detection
[5] Attack Levels 2
[6] Attack Levels 3
[7] Attack Levels 4
[8] Strategy based on General Properties of Rising
[9] VFDC, Punishing The Cast: ttp://
[10] Guaranteed Attacks: After Whiffing
[11] Fuzzy Guarding 1
[12] 超法規的大関.Blog: ttp://
[13] Forced Choice after Wall Hit
[14] バーチャファイター5 ファイナルショーダウン マスターズガイド (ゲーマガBOOKS)
[15] VF Moves Project: ttp://
[16] Strategy based on General Properties of Fall Recovery
[17] General Properties of Attack
[18] Advantage and Disadvantage
[19] Fuzzy Guarding 3
[20] General Properties of Catch Throws 1
[1] VFDC, Wiki, Attacks: ttp://
[2] D.K.のVF5通信, 第107回: ttp://
[3] D.K.のVF5通信, 第96回: ttp://
[4] Collision Detection
[5] Attack Levels 2
[6] Attack Levels 3
[7] Attack Levels 4
[8] Strategy based on General Properties of Rising
[9] VFDC, Punishing The Cast: ttp://
[10] Guaranteed Attacks: After Whiffing
[11] Fuzzy Guarding 1
[12] 超法規的大関.Blog: ttp://
[13] Forced Choice after Wall Hit
[14] バーチャファイター5 ファイナルショーダウン マスターズガイド (ゲーマガBOOKS)
[15] VF Moves Project: ttp://
[16] Strategy based on General Properties of Fall Recovery
[17] General Properties of Attack
[18] Advantage and Disadvantage
[19] Fuzzy Guarding 3
[20] General Properties of Catch Throws 1
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